Hyderabad. 8 feb 2025
The Chief Secretary
Government of Telangana
Sub: UNREGISTERED FRAUD NIGHTINGALE SCHOOL OF NURSING- WITHHOLDS ORIGINALS OF 37 GIRL STUDENTS SC, ST, BC - One student commits suicide in July 2024 - 37 students life of GNM course is in doldrums with neither education, certificates , career and facing utter humiliation - running from pillar to post - from college, to police, to minister, to women dept., to officials -
REF: https://indiannursingcouncil.org/nursing-institute-for-the-year-2023-24
https://indiannursingcouncil.org/nursing-institute-for-the-year-2024-25 (ENCLOSED AD BY THE FRAUD COLLEGE)
1- This is to demand your urgent attention to the utter humiliation inflicted, on around 37 poor girl students admitted for GNM course belonging to SC,ST, BC categories, by the unregistered fraudulent Nightingale school of nursing, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad. We had brought this to the notice of the Medical department even earlier in November 2024.(scroll below)
2- The girl students who are from first year and second year GNM courses are demanding their original 10th, intermediate, bonafide, caste certificates from the college. But one Ms Durga is demanding huge amounts in addition to not running the classes, labs, inhuman hostel conditions, inhuman talk and conduct.
3- This is to also let you know the depth of the social impact, as one of the first year students had committed suicide in July 2024.
4- Already the poor students have paid certain amount of fees to the college in an attempt to somehow adjust and continue studies. But due to, no/few classes, shabby hostel/food, inhuman conduct by management, and barring entry in hostel/classroom due to non-payment of further fees, has restricted study of the students and caused mental harassment and agony , thus irreversible damage to their self-esteem and lives. They are running from pillar to post - from college, to police, to minister, to women dept., to officials - just to better their lives through education in GNM courses.
5- And , it is observed that having inflicted such illegalities and cheating, the college continues to give open advertisements claiming 'Recog by Govt of TS, TSNMC, INC'. (pic enclosed)
6- It is an affront to justice, if the High Court applies principles of natural justice to the petitioner 'nightingale school of nursing' even as the fundamental rights of poor SC,ST,BC girl students and their very self-esteem is trampled upon. As such it is urged that the High Court of Telangana take this case suo moto.
As such, we urge you to instruct immediate action:
a) Order, to give today itself 8feb2025, the fraud unregistered Nightingale school of nursing to unconditionally give all the original certificates of the students who are demanding the same;
b) Refund the money taken thus far from the students to who the originals are being returned;
c) Press cheating charges against the College management, Seize the college premises, check the regularity of property tax of the premises.
Dr Lubna Sarwath
Member,Indian national congress, Hyderabad, 9963002403, sarwath.lubna@gmail.com
Er Amgoth Venkatesh Pawar,Exec Member, TPCC Campaign Committee, Hyderabad
Er Prameela Kumari, Member, Congress Party, Hyderabad
Courtesy / Source by : Dr LubnaSarwath
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